"300" King Leonidas Helmet

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This item has been retired by the manufacturer.

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We proudly introduce the helmet of King Leonidas from Frank Miller’s 300, the graphic novel. Developed by working closely from the source material, and in direct consultation with Frank Miller, this helmet is made as he envisioned it.

A force of soldiers and animals is assembled, so massive it shakes the earth when they march -- an army, beyond what man had yet to conceive or even imagine in his dreams-- marches to devour Greece, led by Xerxes himself, to snuff out the world's one hope for reason and justice. Only three hundred brave souls stand in its path. As Xerxes will painfully find, they are more than men . . . they are Spartans.

Made from the finest authentic materials, this incredible helmet is made of steel and plated in antiqued brass, fully lined in leather with an adjustable liner and features a genuine horse hair crest. Includes display stand and certificate of authenticity featuring the stunning work of Frank Miller. The helmet stands an impressive 19” in height, and is truly worthy of having been worn by the historical King Leonidas himself!

© 2008 Frank Miller, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 300, the 300 logo, and all characters featured in 300 and the distinctive likenesses thereof are trademarks of Frank Miller, Inc.