C96 Mauser Replica

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This pistol carbine is an exacting replica (non-firing) of the semi-auto pistol that was originally made by German arms company Mauser. Produced from 1896-1937 it featured an integral box magazine, long barrel, wood shoulder stock for the stability of a short-barreled rifle which also doubles as a carry case plus a unique grip shaped like a broom handle. The grip was so distinct that in many countries it was dubbed the "broom handle" Mauser.

The C96 had superior range and better penetration than most other pistols of its day and was the highest velocity commercially made pistol cartridge until 1935. As a military sidearm, the pistols saw action in various colonial wars, WWI and WWII. It became a staple of Commissars and warlords and gang leaders. Even Winston Churchill was fond of this gun as was Lawrence of Arabia.

Popular in Germany, Spain, China, Russia, and Britain for military conquest it may be best known today as the basis for many popular sci-fi and villain firearm variations. The C96 was an indelible part of Ian Fleming's James Bond series as he had each field agent of SMERSH carry one. It also inspired the Atomic pistol carried by Buck Rogers and was modified to form Han Solo's blaster in Star Wars. This popular collector gun is ideal for military enthusiasts and cosplay alike.

Made from cast metal and real wood, you'd swear it's the real thing. 25-1/2" overall, 4 lbs.

Cannot be shipped to CT, IL, KS, MD, MN, NJ, NY, PA, RI, WI, Puerto Rico, or Canada. Cannot use Paypal as a payment option.


Overall Length 25 1/2"
Weight 4 lbs.
Material Cast metal and real wood