Antique & Replica Gun Parts & Accessories
New or experienced with restoration and DIY you’ll find some much needed help here. One of the hardest things about completing your historical firearm is not the work, it’s finding the rights parts. Pins, locks, gun stocks expertly recreated from originals make it easy. Replica gun parts, gun accessories and even replica gun kits are a great way to enjoy collecting and the accomplishment of finishing a unique gun is a conversation piece that can give you bragging rights over your friends!
Atlanta Cutlery (ACC) supplies spare parts and stocks for Lee Enfield, Snider and Martini-Henry and accessories in the United States. We sell factory prod...uction spare parts and accessories for antique reproduction firearms.
The parts we sell are for guns from the 1800’s to 1900’s. These guns have been manufactured at different factories over the years, so it is important that you have some skill and knowledge to tweak these parts to fit properly. Determine the manufacturer of your gun (not just the importer) before when doing any restoration. If the gun is older, you may have been produced by a manufacturer who is not in business any longer. We will try to assist you in finding appropriate substitute parts whenever possible.
We try to keep an ample stock of parts, but we do run out of parts occasionally. If for any reason something is out of stock we generally receive shipments of parts from the manufacturers several times a year.
If you do not find the parts you are looking for on this site, please call us at (800) 883-0300, and one of our knowledgeable staff will be able to assist you.
Made from authentic materials like steel, brass and hardwood, each piece will aid your next project. And the final results can be indistinguishable from originals making your next project a source of pride. See More