Answer to August 21st TBT (Trivia Brainstorming Thursday)

25th Aug 2014

Q: Who was Stonewall Jackson, why was he called 'Stonewall' and what was his real name?

A: Thomas Jonathan "Stonewall" Jackson was born January 21, 1864 in Clarksburg, VA. He graduated from West Point Academy in New York and also worked as a Professor of Natural and Experimental Philosophy. He was a Lieutenant General in the Confederate army during the Civil War. He earned the name "Stonewall" during the battle of First Manassas or Bull Run. Tradition states General Bernard Elliot Bee of South Carolina either tried to rally his troops by shouting" Form, form there stands Jackson like a Stonewall rally behind the Virginians" and that is what is carved on his grave stone. The other story is that General Bee, upon meeting the Alabama troops, pointed to Jackson in the midst of battle and said "Yonder stands Jackson standing like a 'Stonewall' let us go to his assistance". His image can be seen as the third carving on Stone Mountain in Georgia behind General Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. Make sure and check out our facebook page where some of our followers have pointed out little known facts or tradition about Stonewall Jackson. Also the video in the references below and the entire website has a lot of fascinating information about Jackson and the entire Civil War in general.

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