Deep sea treasures: War collectibles through history

22nd Mar 2016

The thrill of an adventure can take us to unexpected places. Especially when we’re talking about a plunge 100 feet below the ocean’s surface. Far beyond the expansive blue skies and shrieking seagulls lies a very different world hidden from the human eye, teeming with life and nurturing numerous unimaginable creatures. A dive into these depths, a parallel universe of sorts, brings us face to face with the unknown, the surreal and the fathomless.

Deep sea diving is a highly technical job, once we look beyond its seductive romance that inspires fleeting admirers and committed fans from around the world. In what is called recreational diving, a depth below about 30 meters, nitrogen narcosis becomes a significant hazard for some divers, making it “deep dive.”  One of the real deep sea treasures is the near perfect original WWII deep Sea Divers Knife, used up to Vietnam by UDT and SEALS - a collectors' muse, acquired recently by the Atlanta Cutlery team.

Atlanta Cutlery has constructed the replica to match the original in every way from original spec materials of high carbon steel, wood and brass to construction method, with particular emphasis on fit and finish. So, if you have an eye for beauty and a nose for collecting historical military and maritime pieces, take a good look at this piece of marvel with its original leather strap by Windlass Steelcrafts.

The two world wars have given us iconic designs in machines and revolutionary inventions that have changed the course of history. So when we rave about something as out of the ordinary as a diver’s helmet, it takes a bit more than plain perspective to appreciate the object at hand. 

The US Mark V Divers Helmet replica is a stunning nautical décor item by any standards, and a seasoned collector’s deepest delight. Originals are rare and cost thousands; the Windlass Steelcraft version stays with the Mark V WWII era theme and takes a little license in the design to ensure amazing looks over traditional diving function. Made entirely of antiqued aluminum which ensures a nice aged patina for years and a reasonable weight. It features real glass port hole windows and the front plate swings open on this stunning display piece. This high quality reproduction is a must for any collector. Includes display stand.