Essentials for an outdoor adventure

Essentials for an outdoor adventure

9th May 2019

Emergency bug-out? Don’t worry this list will help you start from scratch!


We know you can't be ready for everything, but not being ready at all is foolish, and could be life threatening. We also know that prepping for an emergency situation can take up a lot of time and be a daunting task. Here you'll find a basic list to simplify things to what everyone should pack or have around. You know, just in case...

First take time to play out possible scenarios taking into account the area you live or are going to. Are you in Tornado Alley, are you at risk of flood, will you be in a remote area with no cell service? What support is around you and how long will it take to get to that support or them to you should something go wrong? Although there’s no perfect kit for everyone. Most people find that a kit specific to your place or travels will do better than a generic one. Best of all, being prepared gives you an edge in mental toughness and that more than anything can win the day.

Step two is getting yourself geared up, at least in part, for those outcomes. Typically, survival gear falls into a number of categories. Including navigation, warmth, light, hydration, energy, shelter, and more. You may need more than one piece of gear per category for your prep. For example, to keep yourself hydrated, you may need a water purifier and a container to store clean water if you need to move from your water source. Now let's get busy.



Communication / Navigation

Cell phone with GPS app and solar charger. And don't forget a sealing sandwich bag or plastic baggie to keep them safe from the elements.

Old school? A map and compass, yep that still works- learn it.

Emergency radio



Fixed blade knife AND multi-tool. Both have huge and important uses. A fixed blade like the mora or Ka-bar will suit nicely and Leatherman Wave is valuable to have around for everything else.

One hand axe, preferably of one-piece construction.

Folding saw



Water filter and purification tablets. We love the Life Straw and although it rarely happens, when you need a larger water volume or you do break it, you'll need purification tablets.

Canteen/bottle, aluminium



Fire starter- carry as many options as you can from storm proof matches and lighter to ferrous rod. Don't forget the dry tinder! If you're in a storm or flood you won't find much to light otherwise.

Mylar blanket

Bivy shelter and/or tarp



First aid kit AND training in first aid/CPR. Having the kit doesn't mean you know how to use it.

Paracord can easily be carried as a bracelet or knife handle wrap so you don't even know it's there. At least 550 grade.


Soap and toilet paper. Hygiene folks, especially important when germs and dirt and being thrown about. More people nowadays get horribly sick or even die from infection more so than starving.



Protein bars/MRE's. MRE's usually need some prep, so practice with a few before you need to rely on them.

Wow, that was quite a list, but how do I carry all that? Snag a water repellent Backpack or dry bag to hold everything.


Extra Stuff (if you have the space)

Duct tape

Light sticks

Garbage bag (makes a great rain poncho and can help catch rain water for drinking)

Specialized jacket and pants to suit your environment. Hot environment? Pack moisture wicking shirts and pants to keep cool.



Firearm/cross bow. Are you in bear country? Will you need to hunt for food? Or did you have to bug out of a city where unprepared people will cover your resources?

Lastly, how much of each should I pack? A good rule of thumb would be at least enough of these essentials for 3 days. Multiple people, multiple bags. A single kit can be stretched only so far. We know this doesn't cover everything, but at least you'll have the basics if something does turn nasty.