Notes on Military Swords

1st Jan 1970

  1. Gifted as praise to Lieutenant Presley O'Bannon in 1805, the Mameluke was officially adopted by the Marines in 1825.
  2. The Marine NCO or Non commissioned Officers sword was adopted in 1859. Distributed by Colonel John Harris to officers who had demonstrated exceptional leadership skill in combat.
  3. The Air Force sword was originally the same as the Army NCO sword. With time, a custom ceremonial sword was made to differentiate.
  4. The Navy Sword was of such a popular design, with it's intricate guard and simulated ray skin grip, that it was also adopted by the Coast Guard. The only difference between the two is the branch name on the guard.
  5. The Model 1840 Army NCO sword has its date of origin right in the title. Having 1000 of them ordered on the first run.
  6. Most military swords are now considered strictly ceremonial and only used as dress swords for specific functions. But they still look and make you feel great!